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2010 VBS


The week of August 16th was an exciting time for us as we transformed the corps (church) into VeggieTown for our Veggie Tales Vacation Bible School. Throughout the week over 20 children came and learned how to become citizens who do God's work as they learned the importance of obedience, thankfulness, being respectful, being faithful, and being willing to learn.

Each day the children enjoyed sports, games, arts and crafts, and a nutritious dinner. Children were encouraged to bring friends, a Bible, offering, and learn the Memory Verse of the week, by earning stickers for each thing they did, and they all did a wonderful job.

This week long event was a great ending to the summer and will be a great bridge into the upcoming program year that will begin in a few short weeks. For more information on our fall program schedule, please feel free to get in touch with us.

Pictures coming soon!